Nycolle Woodard

Oct 13, 20211 min

I’ll Be The One!

🕊As I was on my way to work I was walking down the street and I saw birds in the yard of a church. I didn’t think anything of it at first and then I looked and saw the birds flying away with bits of bread in their beaks. I noticed that all of the birds were flying away except one, he had no bread. Then I saw another bird land on the ground drop the bread so that the other bird could break a piece. They both flew away.

🕊I was truly amazed by this act generosity even from birds. How much more should we be generous to one another. Generosity does not always mean give him money or gifts it can simply mean sharing the love of God with others. Sharing your gifts and talents your passions and dreams to help your sister become better.

🕊What are you willing to share today? Are you willing to sacrifice your large piece of bread so that someone who has less can just have a piece? Just as God has provided for the birds of the air, He wants to use us to bless someone else. Food for thought on this Wednesday morning. You got this! Love you❤️
