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Nycolle Woodard, M.S.Ed


Nycolle Woodard is the proud CEO & Founder of Sisters of W.O.R.T.H. Publications.

Nycolle’s love for writing began at a very young age when she would write in journals and diaries and basically anything she could get her hands on.  While she enjoyed creative writing and poetry the most, by the leading of the Lord she became increasingly interested in the stories of women.  Not just any stories but those that spoke of the trials and triumphs that helped to shape them into the women they are today.  As a result of this God-given desire the scripture, “They won the victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which they proclaimed…”, Revelations 12:11 has become a reality through the S.O.W Publications, which was birthed on December 30th, 2017.


Nycolle holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in  Elementary Education, and an Advanced Certificate in Mathematics. She has worked for the New York City Department of Education for 20 years.  She has been married to her loving husband, Joseph for 19 years and is the mother of two wonderful children Jyrell and Jordan. She is also an active member of Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Inc and serves as President of the Acts Nu Alpha Graduate Chapter in NY.

It is her prayer that by the testimonies of women near and far, the enemy who sought to silence them will be forever defeated and that God will use them as a catalyst for change in the lives of other women.  Nycolle believes that all things are possible to them that believe and that through prayer and faith, obstacles can be removed according to Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

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