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As a technology specialists I’ve learned how to do some amazing things to program, fix and make technology effective in the classrooms. One of the most powerful feature when working with computers is the ability to reboot. Rebooting is necessary when a program or system is “stuck”. It is most needed after your computer has undergone a “crash” due to a system overload or virus.

Sometimes in life we need to reboot. We get in a place where we feel stuck and we don’t appear to be making progress. In some extreme cases we crash, we’ve run our programs so long that we experience burnout or allowed viruses to infiltrate our systems.

There is a solution! Control, Alt, Delete! These three keys allow computer operating systems to reboot. For us it can help jumpstart our systems too! Control your thought life, alter your perspective by searching out new ones and delete all forms of negativity from your atmosphere. We all need a fresh start at times so take the time you need to reboot! You’ve got this!

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