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My Good Days Outweigh My Bad

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

Affirmation of the Day: I can do all things through Christ, so I fight through my ‘bad’ days to get to my good ones!

💎We’ve all had those days where we didn’t want to even get out of bed. Or those days where we did get out of bed and wished we hadn’t. I have learned over the course of my life, that ups and downs are inevitable but it’s how you see those down days that help to make or break you.

💎Our outlook can make the world of difference in how we move forward in life. If you see your ‘bad’ days as days that define you as a person, you will undoubtedly have a hard time getting beyond them. If you choose to see those days as temporary but with purpose you will use them as building blocks to go and grow higher.

💎Know this that whatever you are going through will pass. Push past your hard days and learn from them. Those are the ones that show us the areas we still need to work on. Those are the days that show us where we need to strengthen our faith. Those days also show us that our adversary is real and will do whatever he can to take us off course. Press through those bad days and see the salvation of the Lord!

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