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My Worst Enemy

💎We’ve all faced an enemy a time or two, or one we presumed was one. An enemy is defined as “one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent”, which is perhaps the most common definition. There is however a definition that is more befitting for the purpose I am writing this and that is, “a hostile unit or force”. This is the unseen enemy that many of us wish not to discuss. It’s the enemy that challenges our inner thoughts, actions and motives. This enemy is a master of disguise, always looking for ways to push off responsibility and dodge accountability. This is the enemy lies within each one of us.

💎I hear you, saying not me, never, I’m careful to make sure I have no wicked way in me! I pray, I fast, I attend church service on the regular, I‘m good with this part! That my sister is the biggest enemy of all! One that lies at the gate waiting for it’s opportunity to proclaim its holiness. Denial!!

💎Denial prevents us from seeing truth. It blocks us from understanding that there are areas in our lives that we are desperately in need of repair. The problem with denial is - if we never see it, how can we invite God in to fix it? Denial is rooted in a spirit of pride. It never takes into account the role we’ve played in a situation. It thrives off judging others and finding ways to throw off its own evil intentions.

💎Now that we’ve got that out way, let’s deal with another enemy. Comparison! Comparison is a pitfall to receiving what God has custom made for us. The enemy of comparison generally means to view yourself in relation to another. Every time we think I can’t do it , say it, wear it, like them, we’re falling prey to low self-esteem and low self-worth. There’s one thing to be humble and another thing to this poorly of oneself. The scripture states in Romans 12:3, “...not to think more highly of himself than he ought...”, it never says to think poorly of yourself!

💎Next we have the enemy of procrastination! Procrastination has allowed many of us to give up on dreams, goals and accomplishments because we refuse to have the discipline to get it done. We rather push it off on an outer enemy - my kids just always need something, my husband is working longer hours, my job has me all over the place, the ministry needs me. What I’ve learned is that things that matter to us also matter to God. When we surrender our will for His, He will give us the discipline and direction to complete what He has called us to do. Just ask!

💎While it may be easy to find enemies to blame for our past and current situations, the real of it is, the inner me is really my enemy! When I take the time to focus on what’s really holding me back, that one finger I’m pointing at them reveals to me the four pointing back at me. Let’s make a decision today to get out of the way! Let’s crucify our inner enemies so we can thrive and be all that God has called us to be. We’ve got work to do Sisters, let’s get it done!!

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