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Aftercare - Trusting the Process

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Birthing Pains!! If you ever had the pleasure and pain of bearing children, you know this feeling all to well. After conception and a late cycle or two there is no denying that a life is growing on the inside of you. Overcome with emotions, joy, apprehension, excitement, fear; you eagerly count the days until the birth. Soon after, the changes in your body begin and you feel overweight, tired, restless and impatient and you secretly want it to be over. Before you know it the moment has arrived, and you begin to experience discomfort and then pain. You knew it was coming but nothing could have prepared you for this! After what seems like an event that would never come to an end you have the blessing you’ve been waiting for and get to enjoy your new bundle of life.

While I know this is not every woman’s story, it is for many. Some may have had natural childbirth, assisted childbirth or even a cesarean section and unfortunately some may have not been able to bring their pregnancy to completion for one reason or another. The birthing of a dream or vision involves a very similar process.

God will give you a vision, dream or idea and you become overjoyed at what you are about to bring forth and then you are met with all the changes that must take place before it comes to fruition. I experienced that very thing when birthing this edition of Sister of W.O.R.T.H. I knew God gave this vision to me and was overjoyed at bringing it to term, then discomfort came, stretching, pain, tiredness and even fear. Was this God? Did I hear Him correctly? Did I launch out to quick? All the while God was in control of it all.

You see, God had to show me that even after the dream, the vision or the idea is birthed there is still aftercare that is needed. That the timing of God is not the timing of man and that the process He takes you through is custom made for what He wants you to bring forth. The amount of care you provide your baby after it comes forth has a direct bearing on how well it develops and this is the same with your God-given dreams. Trust God through the process. Know that what He is birthing in you is just as great as what He is birthing out of you. The pains are real but if we fix our eyes on Jesus who perfects our faith and understand that the joy to come is far greater than the pain of our present, we will win. Now go forth! Don’t give up on your dream, nurture it, cherish the moments as it grows into a beautiful prophecy fulfilled. I am praying for you to win—and you will!

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