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Mother May I?

As I awake, tear-stained pillow yet again to the dawning of another Mother’s Day morning, asking myself what should I feel? This would become a routine for me year after year since adulthood. You see prior to my 39th birthday, I never knew my birth mother, so Mother’s Day always came with a gamut of emotions. They ranged from anxiety to depression; anger to hatred.

In the summer of 2012, as if by some great epiphany, I decided to do an internet search to find my mother. I knew it was no plan of my own, only God, in His miraculous and wondrous sovereignty could orchestrate the events that would change my life as I knew it. My search began with her name, date of birth and a distant recollection of being told I had a sister. Armed with just those few pieces of information, and a Facebook search – I found my sister and through her, my mother.

Of course, I can go on about how the actual meeting took place, the nerves, fears, questions etc. but I choose to save that for another edition. So, you will have to stay tuned for future editions to see my story unfold! This edition is to encourage women who may have a similar story, those who were or are on a journey to finding the woman within from broken pieces.

I am living proof that God has a plan as stated in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” So hold on my sisters, the pieces are coming together and your restoration is nearer than you imagine!

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