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Trim Down Tuesday

💎Late yesterday evening, I began to reflect on my week. I looked at the countless things I accomplished as well as those that didn’t. One of the things that can hinder us from moving forward is the fact that we may have too much on our plate.

💎As women we are masters of multitasking which can be to our detriment rather than our benefit. Remembering that quality is far better than quantity. It’s not about how much you get done but how well you perform each tasks with excellence and passion.

💎So today I challenge you to trim off the things that are not priorities and focus on doing a few things well. Remember everything is not an urgency. Bringing less to the table means less on your plate and the more likely you’ll be able to finish what you start in excellence. Let’s lighten our load by focusing on what’s really important and completing our tasks purposefully!

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