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The Birthing of Sisters of W.O.R.T.H. Publications, Inc.

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Just prior to the breaking of the New Year, the Lord spoke to me in a clear voice to begin a publication for women. Although it threw me totally off guard, I knew it was His voice I heard and I knew instantly I had to obey. The vision the Lord gave me was not to create an ordinary blog or magazine but one that would be written by the very women who read it—YOU!

Unlike other magazines who may feature stories from women, this publication centers on everyday women with extraordinary stories. Women whose voices for so long had no platform in which to share, silenced by society, the enemy of our souls and at times the very ministries we serve in.

Just to be clear, this is not a ‘gossip column’ but a “Gospel Column” focused on lifting up the remarkable God has done in and through the lives of women of all ages and walks of life. Sisters of W.O.R.T.H Publications also known as (S.O.W) seeks to re-establish the importance of sisterhood and how resilient we are through the adversities of life, hence the acronym for W.O.R.T.H (Women of Resilience Transforming Hearts).

So don’t just visit, stay a while and reconnect with your inner voice as you read these amazing stories by amazing women. I am sure as you do, deep within there is a story waiting to come forth from YOU!

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